Faith is Action This Month in Faith Is Action

Prophecy: The Gift VS. The office
R.G. Hardy
God has always had a voice in the Earth. In the Old Testament, he revealed His word to prophets who heard, saw (seers), and spoke for God. In this office, they functioned by "foretelling" or predicting under divine inspiration what was to happen in the present and the future. In the New Testament, there are nine gifts or manifestations of the Holy Spirit, and one of them is prophecy.

A problem we see in the church today is confusing the gift of prophecy with the office of the prophet. The internet is loaded with mis-titled prophets and prophetesses. As predicted by the prophet Joel and fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, everyone under the anointing can prophesy. This is not to "foretell" as the prophets of old, but to "forthtell." While all prophets prophesy, not all who prophesy are prophets.  Read now.

Sharon Hardy Knotts Sharon's Blog

Whose Voice is Speaking?
Sharon Hardy Knotts
Jesus said: “… He [the shepherd] goes before them, and the sheep follow him: And a stranger they will not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers…. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:4-5, 27).

The Voice of the Stranger
When you are totally familiar with someone’s voice, it is easy to recognize a different voice. We know the voices of our spouses, children, close friends, etc., and would immediately recognize them in any setting. When they call us on the phone, we immediately know who it is. If I’m in a room full of people talking and laughing, I can always pick out my husband Benny’s voice, because I have spent countless hours in his presence, listening to his voice with all its many nuances.  Continue reading...

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