Faith is Action This Month in Faith Is Action

The Four Grounds
R.G. Hardy
Jesus said that the Parable of the Sower, His seminal parable, holds the key to all of His teaching. We must understand its revelation in order to comprehend all other parables. The seed is the all-powerful unadulterated Word of God that was planted in four different types of soil of the human heart. Remarkably, only one type of soil, the fourth ground, produced good fruit that was permanent. That means only 25% received eternal life. And it is the third ground that is the most deceivable, because they brought forth fruit, but it did not remain. In this message, Jesus warned us of the things that choked out the good fruit and what we must do to avoid becoming the third ground.

Bonus message by Sharon Hardy Knotts: The Parable of the TaresRead now.

Sharon Hardy Knotts Sharon's Blog

It’s Time to Choke Out Doubt
Sharon Hardy Knotts
Why are so many Christians weak in faith? Why did Jesus say, “When I come will I find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8).

One answer is so simple that we are apt to dismiss it as spiritually infantile. We expect it to be difficult, or to be spiritually profound—We often want it to be hard, so we can feel like we’ve earned our great faith, or are at least are working hard to get it.

But Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” Can it be this easy? This simple? Yes—but understand—It is not a one-time or a once-in-awhile hearing. The Greek tense means: “by hearing and hearing and hearing,” and so on. Continue reading...

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